Disruptor or Peculiar?
We are in a day and time when peculiar behavior is the new bad behavior, and “more” is the new average.
When something appeals to the masses, it has had the peculiar, uncool, real and remarkable removed from it. It has soft edges, it looks great in low or artificial light. We want our entertainment and our spirituality, our clothing and our relationships to come from the equivalent of Target: with the popular story lines, agendas, and styles; with just enough tradition to feel familiar, but with that exciting flair that masquerades as “disruptive”, and all the smooth, egalitarian kindnesses that look so well behaved and cool but don’t cost too much.
Anything curated to appeal to the most people has been curated on behalf of the masses; and the masses are untethered, yet behave in certain predictable ways, that’s why they can be skillfully marketed to. The masses can embrace disruptive behavior, because the masses are tolerant of extremes, but they are not tolerant of peculiar behavior.
“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people - that you should show forth the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”