My Last Collection of the Year Dropped This Morning
…and has sold out, all but for two or three originals, some beautiful linocuts, and my prints - before noon. (Don’t worry - there are still some truly lovely things still there.)
This beauty sold. It is an original on board, rendered in mixed media and entitled “My Tears - His Book, His Bottle”. A second study of this theme also sold right away.
This gorgeous tray, rendered in oils and gold leaf on clay sold. I gilded the edges with bronzing wax, a beautiful process of going over and over the surface until it looks just right. I am particularly proud of this work of art.
And so, 2020/pandemic/spider bites/death and taxes notwithstanding, we are kicking off the reindeer games with glee, here in the culdesac. I can’t believe this gorgeous life is mine to love and live. I can’t believe the rich relationship. I am overwhelmed at the “faithful friends who are dear to us, drawing near to us once more” this year. (The FaceTime from Scotland was a huge treasure to us yesterday)…
We just got back from choosing our Christmas trees!
Come see us!
There’s a few things still in the shop. I hope I get to lovingly package something up and send it your way next week!
And now, I am off to eat stuffing. I have no shame.