Day 14 of Lent - I Aspire to Inspire

The crave to make is wired into all 37 miles of nerves that branch through every part of our body from top to toe.


I aspire to inspire you to be more of the maker you are.

as·pire/əˈspī(ə)r/: Verb 1. Direct one's hopes or ambitions toward achieving something.

in·spire/inˈspī(ə)r/: Verb 1. Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative.

It is my dream and my ambition to fill you - yes, you personally and specifically - with the urge to do something creative, and to feel something sweet. If I can do that with excellence, I can die happy (someday) a long, long time from now.

Where does inspiration come from? Think about that, because it is a great question. The etymology of the word means to "breathe in Spirit". Obviously, I think in terms of Genesis, when God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life, and he became...

Man became.

Before you can become anything - really become it - you have to be inspired. You must inhale the atmosphere of eternity. All inspiration comes from God. There are many avenues and means to be inspired, but the source is God, always.

You see, He does not grow weary because He does not grow bored. He is intensely interested in flowers, cooking, birds, motherhood, gardening, marriage, business, art, writing, and grand babies. He continues to maintain every created thing simply by the power of His word, and He delights in all of it, but most especially in the children of men.

If He were to take just a thimble-full of His passion for His creation, and pour it into your heart, you would be inspired to make for a lifetime.

About ten years ago, I asked Him if I can, please, be His thimble.

The rest is history. And present. And I prophesy that the rest is also the rest of my life.


Day 15 of Lent, and I Am Up To Something


Day 13 of Lent: "At The Same Time" {...divine tensions DO exist...}