Day 37 of Lent, Thoughts on Friendship, and An Audio Message {...about the same...}

I am, even now, in the best season of my whole life, in terms of my friendships. The women who are closest to me overwhelm me with their kindness and grace.

When you “do” and “be” in integrity, honoring your relationships even behind the scenes - when you know for sure that you do not gossip, back-stab, or infer negativity even in private…


you can also know for sure you are a worthy friend.

Listen to me. You do not have to let anyone play head games with you.

You do not have to feel “less than” or guilty over incidental things like texts, social media props, phone calls, get-togethers, play dates, the level of help or support you have been able to give, or how much of your personal details you share.

If you can be trusted, that is the most important part of loving your friend well. Your friend is lucky and blessed to have you, and she’s a freaking genius if she KNOWS that.

It seems to me we have forgotten these things.

If you cannot be trusted, you do not love well, I do not care what else you do, how much you call or come over, or how often you are “there for me”.

I have done the soul-work necessary to be a trusted friend. That is not a brag, that is a fought-for-fact.

Now, I am not perfect. In this season I am working hard on the picky details…but that’s all they are. It’s fine. I may not be the most extroverted keeper-in-touch, but myLord, I don’t for a minute think I have failed anyone.

Just thought someone else out there could use a small dose of encouragement…

…and sanity.

Here is a link to a message I preached in my home church, #HarvestChurchKnoxville - otherwise known as the #VelveteenChurch , and #Thescruffychurchforthescruffycity

It is titled, “Moving Forward - Healing From 2020’s Shibboleth”

I hope it blesses you!


Day 39 of Lent - Peace, and Peace Again


Day 36 of Lent - Forget 90 Days {...why not do it in 40?}