Day 40 of Lent - Palm Sunday
For the past 40 days of Lent, I have been moved in my own spirit to lean very hard into disciplines of delight. Rather than fast in the usual sense of Lent, I have “added to my faith, virtue” :
2 Peter 1:5 says this: And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge…
In the Greek, that word “virtue” is tied to courage and action. This is the spirit in which I was led to practice Lent - to be in a mode of courage and action. So each and every day, I have both picked up the paintbrush, in some form, and I have picked up the “pen” here on this blog. And it has changed me, fundamentally.
The “confirmation” (to use a word that is so popular with evangelicals) that, in engaging such an ambitious Lenten practice, I am actually doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing - the confirmation has come radically and very supernaturally - I will tell you that story tomorrow.
Tonight, I want to hone in on the real Gospel. The real Gospel is all about what Jesus did for me, not what I do for Jesus. My picking up the pen and the paintbrush has not been something I grit my teeth and forced myself to do for Jesus. No! Rather, I have picked up the implements of my art out of a state of utter, glorious, overflow.
To illustrate only one example out of very, very many, I want to share with you what I believe to be a bad translation of the above 2 Peter 1:5 verse. The slightly “off” translation is the New Living Translation, and here’s what it says:
2 Peter 1:5 in the NLT: “In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge
That word translated into “virtue” which then was translated into “moral excellence” actually means “manly valor or courage in the right”. Virtue is simple - it is to be men and women of action, whose actions are fueled by the courage to do what is right. And because we serve a God of vast diversity, what valor, action, and courage looks like for one, will be different than that of someone else.
To add to my faith virtue, was to put in place daily non negotiable paintbrushes and pens of discipline and delight. It took courage. And God has rewarded me again and again. The rewards have not been small, either.
Today, the Preacher and I spent the entire day, until almost 9 PM in the company of friends. Jerimiah preached at Harvest Church - this dear friend brought an excellent word of freedom. You could feel minds and hearts being opened up by the Gospel at church. Then, after church, minds and hearts were blessed with some sweet fellowship as he and his sweet wife, their two sons and brand new baby girl came to hang out all day at the culdesac.
Man, when grace people get together, the net effect is never a net negative. It’s a net positive. And the mutual strength we receive and we give is solid and sustainable. I encourage you to find Jeremiah Johnson via his social media Facebook account. {live link}
Tomorrow, I get to wake up, happy that it’s Monday, and do not kid yourself - I will be excited to choose what my next 40 days will be. “What will be the next thing I commit to do each and every day for 40 days, until God has His way in me? Tomorrow, I also get to return to the keyboard and tell you an amazing story of artists and God and God connecting artists from all over the world to make something very beautiful. Please tune in!
In the meantime: go add to your faith some sort of courageous action. Something that says to your own soul and to a watching world, “Jesus you are WORTHY. God, You paid it all. My overflow is my worship.”