Studio Shorts
Courting the muse as a painter is an exhilarating sway of emotions, colors, and creativity. It feels like a delicate balance between anticipation and surrender. There is a palpable, even spiritual energy in the air, a connection to something beyond the physical realm.
For me, this is a lifestyle full of both frustration and elation, as inspiration ebbs and flows. With each encounter, the muse reveals new facets of my own desires, kindling a fire that eventually must have its way in the studio…
…or at the keyboard. Because I also paint with words. All of it, words and art, prose and paint, feels just like how I imagine a flamenco dance would feel - full of passion and vulnerability.
All I knew before beginning this piece was I had not done it quite this way before.
It needed to come out wild and free.
It wanted to be impetuous and beautiful.
She materialized exactly as I imagined she would. A gestural drawing, with strong lines and small imperfections that actually make her perfect. She flew out of my arms, hands and fingertips, onto the paper in moments, boldly and with courage, no erasing the history of any mark.
The intention was to distill a lifetime of noticing with more than a decade of art practice, into one manifestation of ease and grace and something of my own impetuousness.
It had to feel for sure like it might not work.
But then it did.
Her marks have been safeguarded. Next, she will be beautifully and simply framed. She will be available for someone to bring her home and be inspired every day by the ease and grace with which she simply IS.
Message me, if that someone is you.
She took less than twenty minutes from start to finish. She took great courage. She took my whole lifetime to execute. Someone will want everything she represents, and will be most willing to make that beautiful equal exchange of energy. I for sure won’t be discounting this piece.
The greater the ease with which an artist works, the better the energy in the finished piece. If you love art…really love it…you are looking for that fresh urgency. You love the immediacy of certain types of marks and paint strokes.
This is that. Oh, for sure.