Day 29 of Lent - New and Hard Things
The new, more difficult challenges never stop, for me.
I remember when I took the commission to paint a waterfall…
…when I had never painted a waterfall, ever.
(prints available in my shop)
In fact, I’ve never been to art school.
Yet, when I emailed the potential collector to tell her all these things, she gently insisted that she thought I could do it. And of course, as you can see, I did it.
I remember how, over a year ago, I sold my first large abstract. It was also my first single piece that sold for a thousand or more dollars. That felt utterly impossible, two years ago. Then one year ago, it happened.
And today, it not only feels doable for me, it has happened over and again, with more to come.
In fact, if I turn my face slightly left, a blank 48x48” canvas sits there.
A new and difficult challenge.
thank you, waterfall painting person….thank you, person who bought that first big abstract (you know who you are)…thank you, strangers who somehow feel like friends - those who have purchased my large paintings in the last year…where would I be without your quiet, gentle confidence in me?
Reframe, For A Full-Circle Blessing
Things have happened over the past week and weekend, that have brought important parts of my life “full circle”. I will write more about what happened later.
First, I want to touch on why it happened. I want to talk about why these “full circle” moments were even possible. They were made possible because they were given space to take place - because long ago I chose to never make a big decision with an unwell soul. Rather, I stayed my course, resisting “change for the sake of change”.
The Spirit had given me a certain perspective. It was up to me to then choose it. I obeyed it.
Perspective frames the whole story we are telling ourselves about ourselves and about others closest to us. Perspective is the lever that either moves mountains, or the catapult that crushes what would otherwise have been possibility.
Perspective is a choice. It is a function of the heart, and it guides the whole of the art that is our life.
Some time back, in what seems like another lifetime, though not that long ago, the Preacher had a conversation with a couple who were making big decisions from an unwell soul. He tried valiantly to offer another perspective, and to convince them to choose it. Instead, the husband replied in smooth, measured, cool tones, “Well. You always said someone’s perspective is their reality. My perspective is my reality”, basically using my husband’s own words against him. (The Pharisees did this to Jesus all the time.)
Immediately, I felt such pain for them. Because I heard Holy Spirit say, “They have chosen.” I knew, right then, this person’s perspective would in fact become their reality. It did not have to be so. We are given a gift called “repentance”. And it simply means we are always invited to choose a better story. Another perspective.
Oh, reframe!