My Podcast Interview with Matt Tommey
My interview with world-class sculptor, artist, author and mentor Matt Tommey of The Thriving Christian Artist is LIVE!
Matt is a good interviewer, and asked me all my favorite questions. So in this interview, I get to talk about how understanding the “righteousness of God” can put anyone “in their right mind”. Understanding righteousness as being the gift of God will connect you to your creativity like nothing else can.
What is “righteousness”? My layman’s definition is simply “to be made to be as I ought always to have been” as sheer gift. It is not a condition or state of being that I can attain, or earn, or deserve.
Sound intriguing? Below you will find the video version of this powerful message - one that I particularly carry for women “in the middle”.
If you are somewhere between the ages of 45 and 99, and have a deep yearning to freely be creative, yet are feeling the pressure of caring for aging parents while encountering your own health challenges, perhaps you are dealing with multiple losses, and/or difficult adult children, plus the responsibilities of your job. “The middle” is an indistinct period of time, but is discerned by its pain points.
This interview is my gift to you.
Well, mine and Matt Tommey’s gift to you. You can also get just the audio version by doing a quick search for “Matt Tommey/Thriving Christian Artist” wherever you get your podcasts.
It's Middletime {...time for a #middleaudit...}
This past week has marked the middle week of the middle month of June.
It’s the middliest time of the year, and I always write about that.
I love the way writer Ann Voskamp (and others) calls June “the second January”. You won’t get any argument from me.
The middle is naturally a season of audit…evaluation…appraisal…a good time for a healthy review. How’s your 2023 going, so far?
As for me, I am experiencing a beautiful “rewilding”. The Holy Spirit is taking me back to heaven’s “factory settings”, clearing away years of accumulated heartache, questions, and latent cynicism masquerading as wisdom.
A controlled, churchy experience with the name of Jesus on it like a carefully applied decal will not do it for me. It didn’t do it for me early on in my walk with Jesus, and it doesn’t now. No flash of systematic flesh can compete with the fire that supernaturally emboldens the soul. Dead religion can’t contain original, native faith.
I see many with their mind made up: “There is no certainty,” they say.
I disagree. God has made me a “certain woman”.*
(an available 8x10” original. Message to open an inquiry)
(See the rest of this article for FREE, over on my Substack)