The Thing About Fragrance
When I was a slip of a funny girl in high school, I proudly wore the drug store perfume called “Oleg Cassini”. I wore it when I kissed my first boy, and I wore it until the second boy I dated bought me “Lauren” by Ralph Lauren.
As a middle creative, lately I’ve been making up ways to add gentle, all natural fragrance…
…to my art!
That, and The Preacher just got back home from a series of crusades and pastor’s conferences in Guatemala. Those two ideas - his return home, and fragrance - are connected. I hope to explain that connection.
I picked him up from our local airport night before last. As I drove us home, the sunset all peach and blue and gentle, he began (as he always does) to tell me the stories he has collected in his time away from home.
But this time was different. Oh, the stories were the same, but something in the spiritual atmosphere in that Ford Lariat became heavy and sweet. Wave after wave of the Presence of God washed over me, as I navigated at 70mph down the freeway, other vehicles, including ours, beginning to switch on their headlights to drive back the advancing darkness.
He talked and fell silent for a moment. I could tell that he was trying to contain some very big feelings. The Tennessee river reflected the last of that day’s light as we went over the bridge. Suddenly, so help me, a precious fragrance began to pervade the cab of the truck.
Of the two of us, I was the only one aware of it.
I knew it had zero to do with the art I’d made in the days Tim was gone.
It had everything to do with the fact that he had been with Jesus. Very, very recently.
Now, strictly theologically speaking, I understand that Jesus had never left Tim, nor Tim Jesus. Of course, Immanuel is always “with us”. But there is a distinct difference…a distinct odor…to the spiritual atmosphere of a believer who has been consciously connecting to the Holy Spirit. There is an aroma that only is manufactured in the courts of heaven. There is a spice that remains on the spirit of one who has been walking on mission with the Lord.
I know when someone’s been in the same room with Jesus for longer than their cursory quiet time, and for more intimate reasons than routine. This has happened to me before. When it happens, it is, quite literally, mildly intoxicating.
I smelled it once, when turning the pages of the magazine Eden and Vine. And I promptly fell asleep and had a vision that came to me as a dream.
I’ve smelled it in worship at my church.
This does not happen all the time, or even often. But in the last two years, either my prophetic gift has grown a nose…
…or my secret dream of becoming a spiritual Shulamite Woman is coming to pass, as I roll right on past age 55. Apparently, youth is not a prerequisite for perfume or passion. I long for that secret place, and I also long to manifest that place out into my physical world.
See, the thing about fragrance is that you must re-apply.
Thankfully, I still do not smell of Oleg Cassini or Lauren.
These days, I waft a bit of “Earth and Wood” essential oil, or a spritz of Acqua Di Parma’s Blu Mediterraneo , because: Italy. And because: Blue.
I can’t apply Blu on a Monday, and still be blessing my husband with it on a Friday night. I have to reapply.
And if you ever shake his hand, and he smells like a girl…well, that is because he has been very close to me, very recently.
That’s the thing about fragrance. It reeks of whoever you’ve really, truly been with. Or it reeks of what you consciously and regularly choose to apply.
May we be as those who have been with Jesus - may we be those who have broken the alabaster box of our supposed dignity at the feet of Christ.
Beautifying the Inside of Hearts, Heads, and Homes
I felt utterly inferior. The results of that “values assessment” I took decades ago seemed clear (to me): I wasn’t devoted enough.
The book guided me well. The early chapters were devoted to the idea that nothing short of gut-level honesty was going to work. If I responded from an inner position of “how I WISH I was gifted” and “how I WISH I was wired”, or “copying the values of the women I most admire”, the results would be forever skewed - and that’s actually dangerous. Whole callings, entire opportunities for life-long community with others, have been forfeited, all because people don’t understand what “truth in the inward parts” really means.
For the first time, I got to the very, very heart of what truly motivates me. What has always motivated me, from the time I was a little girl: B E A U T Y
I’ve been a beauty chaser for as long as I can remember.
Lots of different things are the top values of lots of different leaders. Things like hard work, integrity, courage, and persistence. I have to admit, I wanted my “top value” to sound substantive. But there it was. There was no pretending it away - not anymore. My top value was beauty.
And twenty-five years ago, that made me feel like I didn’t fit in with other Christians, pastors, pastor’s wives, and Bible teachers. Shouldn’t “truth” be my top value? Or, even more ubiquitous and subjective, shouldn’t my top value be “love”? How on earth could a person with “beauty” as their TOP value be someone God could partner with? Where was the connection to “beauty”, and this gospel I was laying my life down to model to my church?
That was then. Fast forward to 55 year old Sheila Atchley.
In the decades since I first felt ashamed of my beauty chasing, I have come to understand that beauty is one of God’s “top values”. It took me til well past middle age to accept my original design, and lean into beauty. Once I did so, the revelation into the deep wisdom that is true beauty began to fill my spirit. And my art began to sell. And sell.
And I found myself soaking in the beauty of Paris, France; championing beauty in Bellagio, Italy; and teaching beauty in New England and Woodstock, Vermont in blazingly beautiful fall - but that’s another story.
There is the theology of beauty. The ministry of beauty. The truth of beauty. The comfort of beauty. The wisdom of beauty.
“Beauty Defies Despair”.
Studies indicate that our capacity to respond to beauty is directly related to our capacity to experience love. And everyone knows that our capacity to give love depends on our capacity to receive it, FIRST.
The experience of beauty activates neural pathways that contain the chemicals we need to calm the fear and stress response. In short: beauty really does defy despair.
Find it. Create it. Experience it. Conjure it in all your close companionships. Make sure you can see it on your plate. Cook it and feed it to your loves. Healthy food is beautiful in ways no cramped elimination diets or packaged food can ever be.
Acknowledge the beauty in the pages of Scripture. And in your mirror.
In Genesis, God placed mankind smack-dab in the middle of overwhelming beauty, and told us to tend it. God makes true-truth to be beautifully true to the true believer. Otherwise, truth would feel obscure, inaccessible, and worst of all, undesirable.
When I was younger, I had “friends” who critiqued my pursuit of beauty - all the way down to, one particular couple, questioning my desire to purchase a used couch for our family, when we had no couch at all, at the time.
You see - it was a used couch, but it was a pretty one to me. Thus, it was seen as a frivolous expense - made by a pastor’s wife who had no net spendable income to speak of…and everyone knew it.
If the person who sat me down to question my motives about buying that used couch were still around today, I would say to them: Thank you. With all my heart.
Because the moment my Heavenly Father - and my sweet husband - were aware that it happened, they both said to me, “Oh. You HAVE to get the couch. You are my beloved, and I want you to have it.”
I don’t have a speck of bitterness towards the persons who sat me down to caution me about “the love of money” and to seriously question (with near-tears) the wisdom of my desire to have a pretty couch - I think they literally didn’t know any better. I am assuming that they have changed and grown since then. Besides, that little incident sparked the beginning of an ever-increasing revelation in my heart into the importance of beauty - and you might even could say it made me the artist I am today.
I also learned that day, how polarizing beauty can be, even if it is simply a pretty couch that maybe costs more than a couch for a poor family “should”.
See, so much of true beauty is for beauty’s sake. It is not utilitarian. Therefore, if you are dealing with jealous or competitive people, they will resort to religious sounding reasons to belittle it. Jealousy seeks to diminish the beauty of others’ relationships, others’ reputation, belongings, children, and ministry. Ask me how I know.
That couch has long since probably disintegrated in a landfill. (We gave it away when we, unapologetically, got the next beautiful couch!). But it is still teaching me today. Jealousy wants beauty, but only in the service of self. Jealousy will only “draw near” to a leader who walks in beauty, to siphon off the energy of what is beautiful about them, and secretly appropriate it to their own advantage, rather than openly celebrating what is beautiful about them.
I only look back on that incident to celebrate, not castigate. I look back to learn, not stick my thumbs in my ears, wriggle the other eight fingers, and whisper, “Whatever, jackwagons!”
Okay. Maybe I did do that. Once.
I hear a lot about small businesses having a “Mission Statement”. I hear a lot about people having personal “Mission Statements”, and families having a “Family Mission Statement”. Been there, done #allthethings and I’m actually not that big a fan of the typical mission statement.
Not when they are (as they so often are, or can be) utterly contrived.
So it is only after decades of learning, tears, wrestling, studying, and praying, that I (sort of) have a “Mission Statement”, today…at 55 years old. It isn’t stamped on a cuff, or written in stone. You won’t find me choosing an Instagram handle based on some new, midlife, contrived persona.
No. This “mission statement” of mine is who I have always been, and it is who God made me to be - which, wisely, is not a “mother” or “wife” or even “Bible teacher”.
God made me to be His daughter, and a lover of beauty. Full stop. And that identity is so valuable - like all things true, it has been the master key that has opened every lock, and has, many times, taken me places no one “in my income bracket” should have been able to go.
Here is my “Mission Statement”:
I am here to serve others by beautifying the inside of hearts, heads, and homes through my words and art.
Maybe you need to figure out how you are truly wired and gifted, too? It takes truth in the inward parts. It takes setting aside how you wish you were wired and gifted. It takes valuing your own original design, and celebrating - not appropriating - the original design of the people you most admire.
You’ll never be sorry that you figured it out, though.
And, may I add to this already-too-long post, to whisper, “It’s never too late to begin.”