Art Studio, small business Sheila Atchley Art Studio, small business Sheila Atchley

Day 31 of Lent - A One Minute Studio Tour

I get weekly requests to see my home studio.

Though my creative space is not fancy, and not nearly as large and beautiful as some of my friends’ studios, GOSH, I love my art studio.

Why don’t you come on in? You’ll see. It isn’t a big space. But I get an enormous amount of work done in it, and I make use of every square inch. I have pared down to a minimalism that could even allow me to do small, private classes for up to three students - I’m trying to decide if that is something I want to do this summer, or early next year.

Thanks for dropping by. On the interwebs, not in real life. If we were IRL, I would be saying, “Thanks for calling first, setting up a good time, and coming to visit.

I’m just sayin’. My daughter Sarah is enneagram 7, and they supposedly love drop in guests…but not Sarah. I’m an enneagram 5. Enneagram 5’s don’t do dropping in.

So yeah. Call first, make sure I’m not in the middle of video taping a class, and head on over.

As long as I know you are coming, I will bake a chewy, heavenly loaf of French bread, have a fire in the Preway, and we could pop open a bottle of Merlot and have ourselves the best time.

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business, small business, Products Sheila Atchley business, small business, Products Sheila Atchley

Assembling My Cute Little Amazon Store


You’ve seen a lot of blog posts titled “My Favorite Things”. Those types of posts are among my very favorite things to read or to talk about. I guess you could say that one of my favorite things is to talk about your favorite things and my favorite things.

Why not make a few dollars or cents from sharing my favorite things with you?

Because I hope I’ve built a certain level of trust, here in these interwebs. I’m sure I have. I have been blogging since ‘08 (click here to go down the rabbit hole of archives of my old blogspot blog…you’re welcome.) and have been making and selling art for about 7 years by now. I have taught art both in person and online from Tennessee to Alabama to Vermont to Italy and back. I get almost daily private messages and emails with questions about my hair, products I use in my health, my current reading list, etc.

While I am not one to bandwagon, typically, I have been watching the trend of social media influencers opening Amazon affiliate pages, and decided…

…what a great idea!

So. So, I’m hard at work assembling my own Amazon store. I plan on populating it with the things I reach for first, in home, health and beauty, business, art, and hospitality.

I hope you love it, and know that anything I share is something that hasn’t just “worked” for me . The litmus test has to be “I Reach For This First.”

Here is a test run.

How many of you are already playing Christmas music? For those of you who are NOT, but still want all those fuzzy, nostalgic feels without straight-up hours of Christmas jam, “I Reach For This First”:

The very last two tunes are Christmas. The first tunes are various vintage Vince Guaraldi - and it all feels so nostalgic and so festive without being saccharine sweet, over-the-dang-top, “Christmas too soon”.

Every year, come late October, early November, “I Reach For This First”.

I can’t wait to share with you some other really useful, beautiful things. Hope you stay tuned and hope you enjoy this feature! It will soon have a page all its own.

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