Fall in East Tennessee

The Preacher and I are preparing to take a few days off and retreat to a cabin in Townsend...right on the river.  It is slated to rain at least a little bit every single day, and I’m not a bit mad about that.


Because clouds and a little bit of rain go very well with books, a wood burning fireplace, a hot tub right over the river, and leaves that have turned lipstick-kissed-red.   I hope to get some writing done, in between naps and hand holding and long drives through swirling, floating, falling leaves.


We seem to be in the middle of an unbelievably intense and busy season.  Yesterday, we took two hours...just two hours...to take a drive and chase a few autumn colors.




I know that fall is beautiful, wherever you are.  And I actually hope that you believe, with all your heart, that where you are is the most beautiful place to be, as this year winds to a close. 


I sure do believe that’s true for me.   East Tennessee, you do this to me every November.  




"Because" {...Join Me in Italy in 2018...and create your own "but God" story...}


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