Sheila Atchley

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Day 34 of Lent - We Played Hooky on the "Monday Grind"

I had the best epiphany today.

When one is a “woman of a certain age”, apparently climate controlled leather seating is heaven-sent.

This cute piece of work agrees, wholeheartedly.

We enjoyed a rare but fabulous #MondayFunday today! It was his truck’s “maiden voyage” with us, to the Smokies. Trust me, the first of manymanymany for ol’ Lariat.

We laughed, we talked of all things serious and sundry and silly, we sang old Eagles songs. He knew them all word-for-word, even the sketchy ones.

Not sure what I think about that.

But really, who am I kidding? From the time I was old enough to care about who I would marry, I knew I wanted a boy who could be a bad boy, but wouldn’t.

And this one rode into my life, literally in just his Levi’s, and his motorcycle. (He was shirtless, and no helmet…he had just “been around the block”, he said. He was “testing out a repair he’d just done”, he said.) I had a hard time hearing what he was saying, because I was busy forgetting every preppy, proper boyfriend I’d ever had.

All this, and Jesus too.

I mean, come on. You have to admit, “he cute”…

I have so much to say to you on the subject of how the grace of God partners with human initiative. I have so many thoughts on motivation and drive and how to push back on your own inertia and why you need to push through…(the rewards are outrageous!)

But it is eleven o’clock, and I am just barely sliding in with this blog post.

Yes, I still picked up both the paintbrush and the pen, today. 34 days in a row.

I loaded my art bag in the Lariat, and did some sketching while The Preacher shot flowers.

This is one of his shots…

This one, too…

…and this one. “SOC” - straight out of the camera, no post processing.

Yeah, no. We didn’t have fun today. At all.
