What We Need

What we need, is to hear Jesus say to us personally, “I am willing. Be made whole.”

What we need, is to feel the understanding of a true friend who sees us in our hard story, and is still willing to keep reading the hard parts - all the way to the better end.

More than anything, what we need is to feel the faith of a true friend who knows for sure that better things are on the way.

What we need is to know for sure that “this too shall pass”, and it shall not only pass, but pass into fruitfulness and beauty.

What we need is to look at our two hands, and whisper, “MAKE ANYWAY”. Because creativity won’t abandon us or ghost us like people do. Those callings of ours are there to stay.

God does not change His great mind.

Dear one, if you were hoping for a sign, this is it.

What we need, is to recognize the answer when it comes. Please consider this very post to be that very answer. Not “THE answer” as in, “here is the ultimate quick solution to everything”. No. Consider this very post to be the very answer as in, “Before you call, I will answer, and while you are yet speaking, I will hear” (says the Lord). Isaiah 65: 24

Whatever is in your windshield - the Lord is with you. He will never leave, fail, forsake, abandon, ghost, mistreat, or overlook you. The very hairs of your head are numbered.

What a friend we have in Jesus!


My Next Online Art and Creativity Class Goes LIVE Soon!


How To Love Your Narcissist And Still Protect Yourself and Your Family