Art and Making, Christmas, Stories Sheila Atchley Art and Making, Christmas, Stories Sheila Atchley

My Word For 2022

New Year’s Eve 2021 already feels like six months ago, for The Preacher and I.

Because after a beautiful Christmas season, after selling out my largest collection of art and ornaments to date, and after buying a fabulous sequined t-shirt just for family New Year’s Eve dinner…

…I tested positive for Covid on exactly December 31, 2021. And because I snuggle The Preacher, he came down with Covid, too.

Two of my grand girls and I, on just about the very last day I felt human.

The week immediately following Christmas, the weather here in East Tennessee was so balmy and wonderful, that the whole culdesac, plus my momma, decided to get out, set up The Preacher’s Nikon, and capture some family photos.

four generations of God-loving girl-power…

In less than one week, my attitude went from owning and feeling all this generous, feminine power - to wishing the fleas of a thousand camels into the hair extensions of the woman who messed up my grocery delivery.

And I may or may not have also threatened to drop-kick kittens:

Ok, I did. I did threaten to drop kick kittens. I was an aching, anxious, angry Covid lady.

But none of those words (aching, anxious, angry) are my word for 2022. I just needed to bring you up to speed. I’m all better, now.

The Lord actually gave me my word for 2022 this past November. I have been seeing repeating numbers since 2018, and their significance is profound for me. Suddenly, I realized the coming year was a repeating number. And the Holy Spirit said, “Collaborate with Me creatively in the coming year, daughter. Two are better than one.”

I also had the immediate longing to do important work with dear friends. And so, after hearing this word “collaborate”, within three days, two large collaborations came in - both of them with friends of mine: I am now one of the contributors for the magazine Eden and Vine for the coming year, and I will also be bringing you another art and lifestyle class on Jeanne Oliver's creative network - a class that I believe will be my best and most important work there, to date.

I have a strong intuition that there is one more large collaboration out there. I’m just waiting on the Lord for it. (And no, I’d never drop-kick a kitty, in case you are that next person/company/collaboration, and you are now very worried as to the content of my character!)

My most recent finished art

As I was recovering from the dreaded ‘rona, the Holy Spirit took me to the book of John, chapter 20, verse 22 (“2022”). It was one of the holiest moments of my life, and here is what it says:

And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.
— John 20:22

As lovely as the other collaborations will be, this year, it’s this collaboration with the Holy Ghost that’s got me all excited. I can’t wait to see what He wants to do together with me.

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In The Middle, Christmas, Advent Sheila Atchley In The Middle, Christmas, Advent Sheila Atchley

Our Longest Night

Did you see “The Christmas Star”?


We had a ridiculous amount of fun…


…and also felt a tremendous awe, at the same time!


In which case, I think we had a tiny foretaste of heaven.

There’s such a stirring in the unseen realm right now. Angels are swirling the waters. This stirring is manifesting in my life in several gentle manners: it has been a wonder to me, just how well the Holy Spirit can comfort His own. At a time when loss is very, very difficult, I and my family have been carried by God.

Worship on Sundays has taken on a resonance that makes me feel like I am being wrapped in a blanket of peace.

It was sweet to have my youngest son worship with us at Harvest Church yesterday. #thescruffychurchforthescruffycity

Altogether, there’s a strong sense in my spirit that all is well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.

It’s the winter solstice.

Tomorrow, the year has officially tipped its scale, and the weight of favor is towards light.

Tonight, though, is that one last longest night, a portal for miracles. I’m going about the noble work of resting in faith, believing. I will lay my head upon my pillow in less than an hour, in the arms of a preacher.

We will pray aloud together as we always do, we may wipe away a few tears, nevertheless, without us doing another thing - just pray and rest, that’s all we will do - we will awaken tomorrow to more light than what was, the day before.

The coming “bleak midwinter” will be anything but bleak for me. This dark and inward looking series of weeks is often when I do my best work. I plant the seeds that will bear fruit in years to come, for years to come. Seasons have their rhythms, their reasons.

And every 800+ years or so, God gives us a Bethlehem Star.

None of these things are meaningless to one who knows God intimately. He places signs in the heavens above because He is a playful teacher.

I highly recommend that you bundle up with coats and hot chocolate tomorrow night, go outside and identify the Christmas Star with little ones - surely you know a few. Take pictures, laugh and sing a carol or two. Then watch The Nativity Movie by a warm wood burning fire. Share pictures of your star, and plan a nice dinner, because tomorrow you will have a few more moments of light!

After the star festivities, after all have left for their own beds, I want you you to crawl blessed into your own, and pray. Then…sleep. Sleep soundly. Sleep in peace. Sleep in innocence. Wake up to the knowledge that your friends are there, always ready to journey the Christian life alongside you.

How rich and righteous and favored we are. His very own.

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