Online Class: "The Women of Advent" {CLASS Pass}


Perfect for a women’s gathering, or ladies’ small group at church, this “class pass” includes up to 10 participants, viewing at your discretion, as group leader!

My online class “The Women of Advent” offers over five hours of video art instruction and engaging lecture material! It consists of videos divided into four weeks of technical art instruction focused on sketching and painting the female face. I share some of my best tricks and tips with you! This course also includes four weeks of soul-stirring devotional content, in video lecture format, to be viewed over four weeks at your leisure, or of course you could binge-watch absolutely everything all at once, since I’m not the boss of you.

All of it, art instruction and devotional content, is centered around the study of the four Old Testament women found in the genealogy of Christ, and has been designed to help you celebrate the most spacious, soul-nourishing Christmas ever. This class is perfect for women of all ages.

Upon joining, you will be sent a password-protected link to view the site that contains the class videos by November 30th, (or within 24 hours, if you join AFTER November 29)

*No refunds, as this is digital content.

Basic Supplies List for This Course:

8×8″ or 8×10” hard press watercolor, or heavy Bristol paper
white gesso
gold gesso
Payne’s Gray ink
pale peach gouache
acrylic or gouache in any red color (i.e. alizarin crimson)
graphite powder, or charcoal powder
– a selection of erasers in small, medium, and large
willow sticks
blending stump
red embroidery floss
– Uniball ink pen in metallic gold
– oil bars or oil paints in Payne’s gray, white, off-white, plus one more accent color (for example: Prussian blue)
red oil pastel crayon

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Online Class: "The Women of Advent" {single pass}